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Math Library Reference

Rounding Functions


Rounds to the nearest integer.

-- returns 1

-- returns 2


Rounds down to the nearest integer.

-- returns 1

-- returns 1


Rounds up to the nearest integer.

-- returns 2

-- returns 2

Trigonometry Functions


The Lua math library uses radians. Some parts of the Castle library use degrees. For example,
layout.rotation is in degrees. If you want to use math.sin on layout.rotation, you'll need to convert it to radians first:

local myRotationDegrees = my.layout.rotation
local myRotationRadians = math.rad(myRotationDegrees)

math.rad(angle in degrees)

Converts from degrees to radians

math.deg(angle in radians)

Converts from radians to degrees


These are the trigonometry function most commonly used in games.

math.cos(angle in radians)

math.cos is commonly used to get the X component of an angle.

Let's say you want to draw something 45 degrees up and 2 units away from the current actor. Here's how you'd get the X position for that:

local myXPosition = my.layout.x
local angleInRadians = math.rad(45)

-- math.cos(angle) will return the X position 1 unit away,
-- so we need to multiply by 2.0 to get the result 2 units away
local dx = math.cos(angleInRadians) * 2.0

local x = myXPosition + dx

math.sin(angle in radians)

math.sin is commonly used to get the Y component of an angle.

Let's say you want to draw something 45 degrees up and 2 units away from the current actor. Here's how you'd get the Y position for that:

local myYPosition = my.layout.y
local angleInRadians = math.rad(45)

-- math.sin(angle) will return the Y position 1 unit away,
-- so we need to multiply by 2.0 to get the result 2 units away
local dy = math.sin(angleInRadians) * 2.0

local x = myYPosition + dy

math.atan2(y, x)

math.atan2 is used to convert x and y coordinates to an angle. Here's an example of using it to get the angle between you and another actor:

local otherActor = castle.closestActorWithTag("wall")

// The distance in the X direction from my actor to otherActor
local dx = otherActor.layout.x - my.layout.x
// The distance in the Y direction from my actor to otherActor
local dy = otherActor.layout.y - my.layout.y

// This returns the angle from my actor to otherActor
math.atan2(dy, dx)


math.tan(angle in radians)




This is similar to math.atan2 but only takes a single number. It's usually better to just use math.atan2 instead of this.




Randomness Functions


math.random has a few different formats:

  • math.random() - Returns a random number between 0 and 1.

  • math.random(number) - Returns a random number between 1 and the number you pass in. The number is converted to an integer, so if you pass in 3.5, you'll get a number between 1 and 3.

  • math.random(min number, max number) - Returns a random number between min number and max number. Both numbers are converted to integers, so if you pass in (1.5, 6.2), you'll get a number between 1 and 6.


Sets the random seed. When you call math.random normally, it will return a different number every time you run your deck. If you call math.randomseed with a fixed number, every math.random call after that will be the same every time you run your deck. Here's an example:


-- This will return 0.55145569... every time you run the deck

This function is useful to help debug your code. It can also be useful if you want to record and replay some events without randomness. You don't need to use it if you want math.random to actually be random.

math.choose(a, b)

Returns one of a or b, each with 0.5 probability.

math.weightedChoose(a, b, aWeight, bWeight)

Returns one of a or b, weighted by their respective weights aWeight and bWeight. The probability of a being returned is aWeight / (aWeight + bWeight).

math.gauss(mean, sigma)

Returns a random number with a Gaussian distribution.

Misc Functions

math.max(multiple numbers)

Returns the largest number.

-- Returns 3

math.max(1, 2, 3)

math.min(multiple numbers)

Returns the smallest number.

-- Returns 1

math.max(1, 2, 3)


Returns the absolute value.

-- Returns 9


math.clamp(number, min number, max number)

Changes the number to be between the min and max numbers.

-- 2 is already between 1 and 3, so this returns 2
math.clamp(2, 1, 3)

-- 0 is below 1, so returns 1
math.clamp(0, 1, 3)

-- 4 is above 3, so returns 3
math.clamp(4, 1, 3)

math.mix(a, b, mix)

Returns a value partway from a to b, depending on the mix parameter. A mix of 0 gives a, while a mix of 1 gives b. A mix of 0.5 gives a value exactly halfway between a and b. The result is computed as (1 - mix) * a + mix * b.


Returns just the sign of the number.

  • If the number is negative, it returns -1
  • If the number is positive, it returns 1
  • If the number is 0, it returns 0

math.pow(number x, number y)

Returns xy.


Returns the square root.

Be careful! If the number is negative this will return NaN, which stands for Not a Number.

math.noise(number x, number y, number z)

Returns 3d perlin noise for the point (x, y, z). Returns a number between -1 and 1.

math.perlin(number x, number y, number z)

Same as math.noise.






